First Day High

Atarashii Kotoba O hisashiburi desu ne - It's been a while... Typically an expression used when you haven't seen someone, or something in a while. Konnichiwa - good day. Generic greeting for anyone. Usually used from 10 am till there is daylight. Hanami - sakura (cherry blossom) viewing Zairyuu card - Residence card issued to us when we first landed in Japan as ryuugakusei. Ryuugakusei - Foreign exchange student Yakuba - Town hall Kokumin Kenko Hokenshou - National Health Insurance card obento - packed lunch arubaito - part time job First Day High Konnichiwa!!! O hisashiburi desu ne! Wow, seriously, it has been a long time. Hahaha! Sorry for not updating you guys in a long while. Life as a working student here in Japan can be quite time consuming and basically, tiring. But, all in a day's work. Now, a lot has gone down since the last entry. We've experienced snow (for a day), our first hanami, we've also taken the JLPT N4 exams back in July, ...