Words of Inspiration: If it's fate, it will be yours

My angel and I went to his pediatrician early today for his second flu shot. It was just like any other visit to the clinic only there weren't that many patients yet. The doctor wasn't there yet when we arrived so my little bundle of joy was giving me the time of my life by squirming in my arms while toting his bottle. And, mind you, he was not light (therefore I look like a haggard housemaid after a full day's chores). A few minutes later, our pediatrician arrived. She was in a nice mood upon seeing little Ram squirming in the clinic waiting area trying to escape from me. We had to wait a few more minutes as she got ready to receive patients. So we went in and she started her check-up. I told her about the issues Ram has been having since our last visit. Then after the check-up and as she was preparing the shot, I asked her about WVSU where she graduated from. I asked her if it was hard to get into WVSU and about the new curriculum, WVSU was implementing (Problem Based L...