Words of Inspiration: If it's fate, it will be yours

My angel and I went to his pediatrician early today for his second flu shot. It was just like any other visit to the clinic only there weren't that many patients yet. The doctor wasn't there yet when we arrived so my little bundle of joy was giving me the time of my life by squirming in my arms while toting his bottle. And, mind you, he was not light (therefore I look like a haggard housemaid after a full day's chores). A few minutes later, our pediatrician arrived.

She was in a nice mood upon seeing little Ram squirming in the clinic waiting area trying to escape from me. We had to wait a few more minutes as she got ready to receive patients. So we went in and she started her check-up. I told her about the issues Ram has been having since our last visit. Then after the check-up and as she was preparing the shot, I asked her about WVSU where she graduated from. I asked her if it was hard to get into WVSU and about the new curriculum, WVSU was implementing (Problem Based Learning). She did say that she wasn't really familiar with it and then she asked me if I already took the NMAT and I said not yet, I am planning to take it by December because I'm still saving up. And so we were done with the shot and she was inquiring about Ram's speech development since she was a bit concerned that this kiddo's speech is a bit late...

Then she told me about her journey towards becoming a doctor.

She told me that she never wanted to be a doctor in the first place. Her dream had been to be a nurse ever since. But then her dad did not want to have both her and her sister taking up the same course, graduating at the same time and having to take the board examinations at the same time that might lead to sibling rivalry. Then her sister suggested having her take a pre-med course instead and eventually medicine. So, being a good daughter, she acquiesced to their suggestion and took up B.S. Biology.

Midway through her pre-med course, she wanted to shift to a different course. Her dad said no. So she finished her pre-med. Then she made a deal that she will only apply for one med school and in case she does not get in, they let her be. Her dad agreed. She emphasized that the only med school she applied for was WVSU. But then she passed.

Through her first year in med school, she again bargained with her dad that if she gets deliberated on her first year, she will quit med school. Her dad agreed. But then, she did not get deliberated. The same thing happened through the second and third year, every year she bargained, every year she passed. Up till the last year of med school, she bargained still. She said that if she does not pass the comprehensive exams comprising of subjects from first to the fourth year, she will not pursue them as she did not want to repeat them. And again, yep, you got it, she passed.

Even though her rotations, she was still listless as to what specialization she will take up. She finished her rotations and had to take up the board exams in a month. But again, she passed. Being a licensed doctor, she still had to choose as to what specialization to pursue. She was offered a slot with Internal Medicine as well as with Pediatrics. She was still resisting being a doctor up to the very end, but then if she did not pursue this now, the next question would be, when?

No need to say she went into pediatrics. And the rest was history. She also emphasized the fact that she was not a patient person but along the way, she learned the virtue. And take note: she is in pediatrics. As we were going out the door, she called out to me, "Good luck with your plans :)"

The moral of this story is, if you are meant to be something, no matter how you resist, you will find yourself there someday. Our pediatrician says that never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would be a doctor, but then, here she is. So aspiring doctors, do not lose hope. If you are meant to be one, one way or another, you will be.

Thank you, dear doctor, you have indeed inspired me especially now that I am faced with challenges as to my resolve in chasing my dream. I am going back to a job that I am not really happy about but I am hoping that the drive to get to my dream will be enough for me to stay there long enough to raise the money I will need later on.

I'll end this with a nice and funny quote from Disney's Tangled which babe and I watched earlier:

Hook Hand Thug: Go, live your dream.
Flynn Rider: I will.
Hook Hand Thug: Your dream stinks. I was talking to her.
[Referring to Rapunzel]


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