
Showing posts with the label friends

Silak's JST Series: Introduction to Silak's Japan Survival Tips

Hello Everyone!!! I have been thinking of some things to post and I really wanted to share how I am learning to survive in Japan. Yes, I may have a little bit of Nihongo under my belt but not nearly enough to understand everything that goes on around me. And so I came up with this!!! Silak's JST (Japan Survival Tips) series This will be basically short posts on practical tips and tricks I've picked up along the way. I will be sharing stuff that I learned and am still doing that makes my life so much easier. This will be anything and everything under the sun from post rescheduling, inquiries, groceries, and many, many more! And, good news to the introverts out there like me that want to minimize their human contact as much as possible, these, are going to help you a lot! (As much as possible I do most of my stuff online and I only call if, and when I really need to.) I will try to make the posts as educational as possible with as many picture illustrations as I...

お久しぶりですね~ Long time no see!!

みんな、お久しぶり! Long time no see everyone! Okay, so I know I keep promising to update more, but despite all the time I have, I can't seem to get into my blogging groove. But I guess I can churn at least 1 post a week. I will most certainly try. So, I can't even remember what my last post was. Hahaha! But lemme catch you up with my current status. Before December 2017  The first time I took the test was back in July 2017 for the N4 level which I passed due to diligently studying for exams and memorizing kanji every down time I get even if it's just for 3 mins. So N4 was easy for me, but since then, everything went downhill. I was lucky enough to score plane tickets on sale and went home for a couple of weeks during summer vacation. When I got back, I was really tired of going to school everyday. It was so boring and I got caught up in a game on my smartphone. In short, I was barely studying if at all. Before we knew it, it was December and we needed to take the ...

First Day High

Atarashii Kotoba O hisashiburi desu ne - It's been a while... Typically an expression used when you haven't seen someone, or something in a while. Konnichiwa - good day. Generic greeting for anyone. Usually used from 10 am till there is daylight. Hanami - sakura (cherry blossom) viewing Zairyuu card - Residence card issued to us when we first landed in Japan as ryuugakusei. Ryuugakusei - Foreign exchange student Yakuba - Town hall Kokumin Kenko Hokenshou - National Health Insurance card obento - packed lunch arubaito - part time job First Day High Konnichiwa!!! O hisashiburi desu ne! Wow, seriously, it has been a long time. Hahaha! Sorry for not updating you guys in a long while. Life as a working student here in Japan can be quite time consuming and basically, tiring. But, all in a day's work. Now, a lot has gone down since the last entry. We've experienced snow (for a day), our first hanami, we've also taken the JLPT N4 exams back in July, ...

A Day in the Life of the Filipino Students in Oarai

For more information on Oarai International Exchange Academy, you can contact me via  Facebook  or  Instagram , or by commenting on this article.  Life in a different country is never easy. You are far from family, friends, loved ones, and the comforts of home. Everything might look fun and glamorous in picture-perfect pictures but those, are but moments. A fleeting glimpse at the everyday life of a person. We are the first Filipino student delegates of the Oarai International Exchange Academy ( 大洗国際交流アカデミー ), a Japanese language school set in the quaint little coastal town of Oarai in the Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. We came to Japan with minimal knowledge of the language and have been, since arriving, consistently learning and improving our grasp of the language. Life in Japan, in Oarai in particular, has been quite the adventure with all the ups and downs and everything in between. Our life here is full of discoveries, realizations, little victories, a lot of te...

Kirei Ja Arimasen!

Atarashii Kotoba Kirei - beautiful ~ja arimasen - negative form (this is appended to an adjective, noun, or adverb indicative of the negative version of said word) hai - yes iie - no kudasai - please arigatou gozaimasu - thank you very much sumimasen - excuse me gomenasai - I'm sorry ohayou gozaimasu - Good morning konnichiwa - Hello/good day Kirei ja arimasen! This is a side story of an on-going joke we have amongst the group. The next episode is still in the works. ;p Upon landing in Japan, we were armed with our very, VERY limited vocabulary of the Japanese language. Of course we know the basics such as: hai, iie, kudasai, arigatou gozaimasu, ohayou gozaimasu, sumimasen, gomenasai  and konnichiwa. We also know a few descriptors here and there, some we've heard from anime, some from friends and some from family members who have settled here in Japan. Kirei is an adjective used to describe something beautiful, clean, and pristine. But mostly, when re...

Jiko Shoukai: Presenting the Oarai Isohamacho 711-Crew

Atarashii Kotoba (New Words) From this post forward, I will start the post with the  Atarashii Kotoba  section to introduce a few basic Japanese phrases, words, and expressions to help you with learning a little bit of Japanese while being entertained with the colorful life of Silak. Jiko shoukai - self- introduction The 711 Crew I arrived in Japan on the 9th of October 2016. I arrived here on an early morning plane with 6 other Filipinos for the commencement of our life as students in Japan . We were part of a program that allowed us to study and work part-time in an international language exchange school for the next year and a half. Now, before the trip, none of these 7 people (myself included) have ever met in person. We may have chatted online via Facebook once or twice, but we were complete strangers to each other. So to make sure everybody is on the same page with the subsequent posts of the future, we will be doing a quick jiko-shoukai  of the 711-cr...