Jiko Shoukai: Presenting the Oarai Isohamacho 711-Crew

Atarashii Kotoba (New Words)
From this post forward, I will start the post with the Atarashii Kotoba section to introduce a few basic Japanese phrases, words, and expressions to help you with learning a little bit of Japanese while being entertained with the colorful life of Silak.

Jiko shoukai - self- introduction

The 711 Crew

I arrived in Japan on the 9th of October 2016. I arrived here on an early morning plane with 6 other Filipinos for the commencement of our life as students in Japan. We were part of a program that allowed us to study and work part-time in an international language exchange school for the next year and a half.

Now, before the trip, none of these 7 people (myself included) have ever met in person. We may have chatted online via Facebook once or twice, but we were complete strangers to each other. So to make sure everybody is on the same page with the subsequent posts of the future, we will be doing a quick jiko-shoukai of the 711-crew.


Yours truly. I am the author and writer of this little story.

I am a blogger, a nerd, a control freak, and somewhat a shopaholic. I love Japanese food, and I hate the cold weather. I love dressing cute, and I am particularly fond of boots. I usually wander off alone and am a bit of a weirdo. I have loved Japan and its culture for a long time. I am also a bit of an explainer with a compulsion to explain everything.


Jerome is the alpha of the group. He tends to be the bossiest of them all but is also the voice of reason most of the time. He is the instigator of most of the escapades the group has. He has a powerful personality, and tends to end every sentence with "charot." Jerome can very well be the life of any party, and can definitely light up a room with his presence. This guy never goes unnoticed.


Leizel is the little explorer of the group that tends to get lost and discover places all on her own. She is the epitome of the independent woman, able to do anything and everything on her own.  She is spunky and sweet but is a bit strict. Well, of course, she is a teacher. One more thing to love about Leizel is her friendliness and being approachable even with strangers. She has a healthy curiosity for life and culture, and basically anything under the sun.


Richard is the eldest and the father figure of the group. He is the voice of maturity and is the kindest and most caring among the crew. He is quiet most of the time and can be caught in contemplative pauses from time to time due to the struggle of missing his family back home. But, this has never stopped him from doing his job and whatever is required of him. Don't let that quiet facade fool you though, this guy is well equipped with throwing perfectly timed punchlines, enough to get everyone rolling on the floor laughing.


Regine is the second youngest of the group and tends to be a little bit headstrong at times. She is always on the go and can go for weeks without rest. She always gives her one hundred percent at work, and will always be able to live up to what needs to be done. She loves fun, can be a little rough around the edges, and a bit scaredy, but this sweetheart definitely has a lot of potentials.


Toshi is the artistic soul of the group. As is obvious with the picture. He tends to be dramatic in his pictures and is full of artistic ideas. He is also musically inclined and has a nice set of pipes according to the alpha. He is the mysterious guy that seems to keep his activities on the down-low. He is the number one Japan lover among the crew and is the most knowledgeable regarding anything Japanese.


Carol is the youngest of the group and is our little ray of sunshine. Her laughter is one that does not go unnoticed. She is our little homebody that takes a lot of coaxing to get out of the house to explore our little hometown. She always has a lot of food to share from day one and loves going on group activities. She is the youngest but definitely not the weakest. This girl has faced many struggles and is one who can face anything the world throws at her.

And there we have it, folks. The 711 crew of Oarai study and work program. In the next episode, we will be regaling you with the story behind how these 7 people became the 711 crew.


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