The Legend of the 711 Crew

The Legend of the 711 Crew

After arriving in Oarai and initially settling down in our respective apartments, one major problem hit us like a ton of bricks. We were hopelessly and totally disconnected from the net and have no way of communicating with loved ones, friends, families, enemies, and whoever else in the world.

Now, I for one, was overly excited to share everything I'm seeing and experiencing with my family and my best friend. But since our phones don't have sim cards,don't work and were not really compatible with Japanese networks, (we haven't actually tried since prepaid sim cards are not really a thing here and they are not really big on selling just sim cards. I'll probably make a post regarding that as well...maybe soon.) we were, in a word, screwed.

We had hoped that the apartments we were to be provided will have had internet set up for us, but unfortunately, they didn't. So here we were, miles and an ocean away from home, stranded in a small coastal, a bit old fashioned and totally remote town (with the nearest McDonald's about a 15-20 minute bike-ride away) with no internet connection.

And thus came our lifesaver:

711 Oarai Ekimae Dori

On our first night, we stayed till 10 pm. It was cute since we were all seated in a row, by the light of 711, each busy with our own video calls and chats. Everyone was eager to get in touch with family back home. Here we were, 7 strangers thrown together in a strange place in a foreign land. Imagine, the first time we all met in person was in the airport, for our flight, to Japan.  711 became the central venue for us to meet and get together, whether we wanted to or not. You could say it became our "headquarters".

Since we arrived on a Sunday, the town was very quiet and not many cars were around. We spent the time eating, talking, sharing and bonding on that first night in Oarai.  The next day, Oct 10th was a national holiday so we were given the day to spend for ourselves.

We never really made plans on what we would do or where we would go. But everyone, unknowingly, got together in 711. It was like fate, like destiny, like... like... okay I'm out of descriptors. Anyway, this became our sort of habit. And that continued on for the next few weeks that we would all unknowingly meet up in 711, planned and unplanned, on and off.

Since the boys and girls have separate apartments, 711 became the avenue for us to grow closer and get to know each other more. Whenever we would go on one of our shenanigans (of course initiated by the alpha Jerome), 711 is always our go to place.

Internet connection was the biggest issue thus far that we have encountered on our first land fall in our quaint little town of Oarai. And 711 was our biggest and most generous supporter during our first few weeks. It was the place that served as our mini refuge and lifesaver.

And thus, we dubbed ourselves as the Oarai Ekimae Dori 711 Crew, the lost girls and boys of Oarai.

A special word of thanks to Japan Connected-free Wifi app by NTT Broadband Platform Inc. that gave us additional connectivity during our early days here.

Till next time!

As for the next episode... First day of School. First Day High!!!


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