Youkoso! Welcome to Japan!

Around October or November of 2014, I was mindlessly scrolling around Facebook when I came across a page offering a study and work program in Japan. And, like so many times before, I just gave it a mindless try, thinking that it was going to end up like most of my failed endeavors of going to the Land of the Rising Sun.

As far back as I can remember, Japanese animation has been part of the Philippine airwaves. With Voltes V and Daimos at the helm, not counting Bioman, Shaider, Ultraman and a few other shows I have forgotten, the Japanese influence can really be felt. But, it was with the early 90's animania that really left a mark in my young brain that I subconsciously pursued up until now.

A little bit of history regarding my childhood:

I became hooked with Japanese anime with the dawn of Sailormoon. Growing up, I was actually not allowed to watch TV except Friday nights and throughout the weekend. Screen time ends on Sundays, 8 pm. So fortunately for me, Sailormoon airs on Saturdays (feel free to comment if I'm wrong since my memory isn't exactly razor sharp anymore :p). 

Everything after that is all a Jpop blur. There was Magic Knight Rayearth, Ranma 1/2, then Rurouni Kenshin, Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball, Card Captor Sakura, Fushigi Yuugi, Legend of Escaflowne, and the list goes on. It's kind of nostalgic looking back on those anime fangirling days. I'd be happy to discuss some of the shows mentioned here and would be happy to hear about other shows you remember from that era.

I'll probably write a separate post on anime soon, but for now that should be enough background.

So all through out elementary and high school, the Japan fever burned on. I started learning about the writing styles and wanted to learn the language. I wanted to go to Japan eventually but it was never really a reality and had always been a far off dream.

But now, Here I am!

The First Batch

I am now officially a lost girl in Japan. In the next few posts, I will be writing about my adventures in this quaint little town of Oarai where I am currently a student and a part timer. I will be working in collaboration with my classmates (I am not a particularly snap happy person so I will be regularly be stealing their pictures for reference -just kidding! All pictures will be properly credited to owners) to chronicle our bumbling, stumbling, action-packed adventures here. 


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