Another gloomy day... Blame it on hormones!

The day started out pretty well. I was actually playing with my cutie little angel all morning. The worry of puncturing my kid's eardrum was actually at the back of my mind. We watched Ratatouille and Despicable me while I prepared breakfast. Time went by fast and I was actually reviewing chemistry at work. I knew that I had some catching up to do since I was not able to come to work last Thursday and Friday.

But somewhere along, there was a turning point, the day suddenly took a turn for the sour. I was suddenly feeling depressed. One, my period is creeping up on me. Two, I was doing some research and behold! The Pinoy MD scholarship will be discontinued this school year. Three, I don't have enough money to fund my dream. Four, I have class with a student that I really, really dislike. Five, my dinner sucks. And so the list goes...

As the day wound down, I actually felt a little better. During the torturous class with student X, I was actually telling myself, "Well you can get overly annoyed at everything this student says for the next hour, or, you can just shrug it off. Habituate yourself to the student's whiny voice and stop stressing!" And surprise, surprise! It worked. I successfully psyched myself to wind down and thankfully the rest of the day went by relatively peacefully.

Post Script...

My last student was a doctor. And this student we will hence call student Y, actually inspired me. Student Y originally wanted to be a pilot, but proceeded with medical studies. This student told me that I was young, (provided that I am already 25 turning 26 soon) and that I should hold on to my dream. These simple words reminded me of what I told myself. It reminded me that I will do everything I can to be a doctor, no matter how much or how long it takes.

The moral of the story is...
The world is round and it is not perfect. Try to accept the world as it is, for its faults and its beauty. It may not always be happy, it may not always go the way you want, but at the end of the day, wouldn't it be better to conclude with a smile? As Jesus once told His apostles: "And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them" (Luke 9:5) So if a day goes bad, shrug it off and leave it to the past, after all, tomorrow still awaits.


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