Not in the mood.

Don't you just hate days when nothing seems to sit right? I know I do.

The day actually started really well, it wasn't raining for one... But maybe my period is due and maybe partly to blame would be my medications, I just don't feel like doing anything today.

Blame it on hormones! But I really hate this day... Today is chemistry day and I have to get psyched with my review. After all, if this dream does become a reality, I should get used to "always" studying. Every free second should be dedicated to reading and understanding.

Then again... how do you deal with the annoyances you encounter and not let them stack one after the other? I can feel my patience slowly slipping. Why does the world have to be full of annoyingly stupid people who aren't using their brains properly? Sorry, I am just really, REALLY annoyed right now.

I have to learn to deal with annoying situations and not let them stress me out. After all, if I really want to succeed with this dream of mine, I should start dealing with stress. The sooner you learn the lesson, the sooner the situation gets out of your hair. I wish it were all that simple.

Well anyway, I will shake this feeling off in a bit.


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